Sunday, April 12, 2009

Government Letter

Dear Mrs. Bachelet:
I'm writing this letter because I'm really worried about young people who are robbing a lot. I'm so worried about this because some weeks ago, some young boys were robbing a house, out of santiago, and one of this guys was killed because they start to fight with the police.

The thing is I live in PeƱalolen, a place with a high level of social vulnerability, and this guys were from PeƱalolen too. I think that it's a lack of respect that this guy who died, was buried like a war hero even though is just a criminal to me.

I don't know where this problem came from. Education maybe, I don't know, but I do know that it will be really useful to pass this law in which young people from 14 years can be in jail. They're fearless, because they know that they will be out at the next day, so they don't care if they kill a police man, or innocent people maybe.

So I think that something have to be done about this topic.

Best regards,
Claudia Salgado

1 comment:

  1. I think you hit the nail on the head: The root of many social problems is education, in so many senses.
    And, I agree with you that jailing youth probably will not solve the problem as many criminals leave jail in worse shape than they went in--with less hope, less support, less love; fewer opportunities, goals, options for making a living, etc. etc. Marginalizing people already marginalized probably won't help.

    OK, about your English. reread your text slowly and see if you can find 5 mistakes. I bet you can.
