Monday, March 23, 2009

Teachers are being bullied too ?

It's hard to think about this. But bullying is not only affecting children. This problem has been reaching teachers too. In the BBC web site, I found this interesting article which informs that thanks to a survey they found out that "about half of tachers asked had been teased, abused or physically attacked by pupils".

The article also said that "teachers are worried about reporting the bullying in case it makes their school look bad". Is this good?

A lot of teachers have been punched by their students, a number of them have had aerosols sprayed into their faces. The teachers have been seriously abused. But their inner selves had stayed in the shadows, keeping this secret.

Can we do something if they don't want to be helped?

So, I think that the only thing we can do in this moment is to encourage teachers to report these cases, because it's the only way to do something about it.

"Teachers being bullied at shool." CBBC Newsround.Thursday, February 28, 2008. Online. Monday, March 23, 2009.


  1. This was very interesting, but the thing is that nowadays, children feel that they have more opportunities than before, regarding when they want to say something they just do that, if they feel like complaining about something they also do that. Children are completely aware of themselves… everybody knows that years before students didn’t have those opportunities, they just had to do whatever their teachers wanted them to do, and what is worst, in completely silence... the were considered just as a students instead of being considered as persons with feelings and ideas.
    we know that now this is changing...

    ...I just hope that in the future our experience as a teacher could be a good one :S

  2. Wow, the idea of having me bulled at school makes me get nervous. But yeah, I agree with Marcela about our future. About your post... well, it's kind of difficult to help someone who does not want to be helped, specially when they're adults being punched by "kids" who are supposed to be respecting them, not hurting them. In this case, the school should be responsible because of the damages to their teachers, though. Well, interesting post, dear K.

  3. hello Klau,

    In my opinion, children should be punished. Kids should figure out that hurting their teachers they are not solving any problem.
    I think that no matter who is the victim we need to control the violence at schools. Everybody have to be respected.

  4. if a teacher does not have the enough encourage to publish this reprehensible act, do you think a child would do it?

    I think that situation is too serious and which needs to be evaluated.

  5. I think that teachers are teachers, and students are students...

    what I want to say???, that nowadays students think that they have the same power that teachers in the classroom. ok, ok, all the pople have the same rights, but why children have the power of think that they are superior?.

    you know what I mean? :P
