Monday, March 30, 2009


An specific behaviour that really exasperates me is when people don't let you to get off the subway. They put theirselves just in the middle of the subway's doors, so you can't get off. When this happen, sometimes people can't leave the train in the subway's station that they want to, and they have to get off one subway's station away or even further away.

I think people should be educated about this topic, they need to know that this it's not right. Metro Santiago company is always remembering people to "let get off before get in" so it's not a Metro issue, it's a people issue. We should be more tolerant in this aspect. We need to think also in the other people.

What if we are the ones who couldn't get off the train in the right subway's station?

We need to make a change, starting with ourselves.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Teachers are being bullied too ?

It's hard to think about this. But bullying is not only affecting children. This problem has been reaching teachers too. In the BBC web site, I found this interesting article which informs that thanks to a survey they found out that "about half of tachers asked had been teased, abused or physically attacked by pupils".

The article also said that "teachers are worried about reporting the bullying in case it makes their school look bad". Is this good?

A lot of teachers have been punched by their students, a number of them have had aerosols sprayed into their faces. The teachers have been seriously abused. But their inner selves had stayed in the shadows, keeping this secret.

Can we do something if they don't want to be helped?

So, I think that the only thing we can do in this moment is to encourage teachers to report these cases, because it's the only way to do something about it.

"Teachers being bullied at shool." CBBC Newsround.Thursday, February 28, 2008. Online. Monday, March 23, 2009.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

1st Post !

Well, I'm kind of confused about all this blog thing. I already have a blog, but usually I write in it when I'm confused or sad. It's like my therapy when I'm sad, and I don't want to talk with my friends.
That's why this blog is so hard to me. I don't know what to say. So I'll try.
This week has been really exhausting. I had to go to the university on monday and friday, but the rest of the days I was working until really late, and also on thursday I started my ELABs. It was so cool. But I was really nervous. It was a whole new eperience to me. But I think that it's going to be great. Now I'm really anxious about going to the school on tuesday :D I can't wait.
So, that's all I can do. Hahaha. I need to study so I will search for new things to write in a new post in my blog :)


See ya !